Life r/AskReddit

People are sharing the dumbest things they once believed – 17 absolute doozies


When I was about four or five, my cousins convinced me that the little white marks on fingernails occur whenever you lie.


I asked my sister what the small brown round things I saw in the fruit aisle were and she told me they were goat balls. Later found out they were kiwis.


Not intentionally, but for a long time as a young kid I thought women with dark eyebrows and blonde hair were robots or androids or whatever.

I heard my mum and dad saying that someone on TV was fake or not real or something to that effect. When I asked why, they said her eyebrows are black and her hair is blonde. Whatever the terminology was, it was unclear to me they were talking about her hair colour not being real, I just assumed it was a giveaway to know who weren’t real humans.


When I was about 8 or 9, mum forgot to order a mcDs plain so she said it was yellow tomato sauce from the tomatoes like my grandad grew. I moved out at 18 and went shopping for the first time. Wanted to make a ‘real’ burger. Couldn’t find it anywhere. Called mum; 22 years later she’s still laughing.


Thought reindeers weren't real, basically thought they were the same as unicorns until I went to a farm a few years ago and I was ASTOUNDED
Via Pixabay


That the black dots on a ladybug tell the number of years. I was already 15 when I figured it out lol.


Brown cows produce chocolate milk.


When I was little I loved what my family called “pink chicken.” Apparently I had refused to eat salmon at some point, probably eww fish, and they just lied next time haha.

Empty-Courage4585 had a story from another angle.

I told my kids they’re not allowed to turn the interior lights on at night without my permission because if they do, I might hit a deer.

I thought it was obvious that I meant that having the lights on messed up my ability to spot any deer on the side of the road at night.

They told me recently that they spent their entire childhoods convinced deer were like moths, and were attracted to interior lights of cars the way moths are attracted to porch lights.


People shared things ‘marketed pretty much exclusively to stupid people’ and these 21 were all best buys

Source r/AskReddit Image Via Pixabay