Celebrity actors

Everyone needs to hear Sara Pascoe’s insightful response to a really great question about being young

Sara Pascoe is a successful comedian, actor and author, but a question put to her at the Hay Festival revealed her vulnerability and how it’s also a strength.

It was a fantastic question, but an even better answer.

“The really shit thing about being young is that you haven’t been through stuff yet. So, the first time it happens is the worst, right?”

“When you get your heart broken for the first time, you’ve got no defences, because you don’t know what’s going to happen. You don’t know how it feels, and you trust.”

“When you’re crying so hard on the floor and you think everything’s done, the horrible thing about older people, maybe your parents, other people who care about you, is when they say ‘You’re going to be okay and this will make you stronger. You were so brave to love in the first place.’ All of it feels so unhelpful.

And when you get your heart broken a second time, it might be just as bad. This is still painful, but it’s painful with the knowledge that you recovered once, and that life went on.”

“When I was 14 and I was so unhappy, I hated school, I wasn’t popular. Everything that I have now made a career out of, I thought was a negative.”

“I hate to think of people unhappy being teenagers …but I also know it’s part of being happier later.”

Her wise words hit home.










Everybody needs to hear her answer, either to pass on to their children, or to soothe their inner child.

You can follow Sara on Twitter/X and Instagram, or listen to her podcast, Weirdos Book Club, which she creates with her friend and fellow comedian, Cariad Lloyd.

You can also find out about any upcoming gigs via her website.


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Source Hay Festival Image Screengrab