Twitter GB News Keir Starmer takedowns
GB News complained that Keir Starmer wasn’t taking them seriously and ended up schooled into the next parliament
Spare a thought – only kidding – for the good people of GB News, who to no-one’s great surprise anywhere aren’t being treated by Keir Starmer’s Labour government in quite the same way as they were when Rishi Sunak was in Downing Street.
You might remember that GB News, which has basically become an (ex) Tory MPs social club, was given a ‘People’s Forum’ with the former PM which was only memorable for how truly awful it was.
Starmer is less keen on entertaining them, so much so that GB News political editor Christopher Hope was moved to complain on Twitter that he had only been allowed one question in five press conferences following the PM’s especially bleak state of the nation address on Tuesday.
. @GBNEWS has only been called to ask a question by Sir Keir Starmer once in five press conferences since Labour’s election win last month. If you look closely you can spot me, with my hand in the air today in the Downing St garden. pic.twitter.com/J9PqJcwOn3
— Christopher Hope (@christopherhope) August 27, 2024
And we’re glad he did, because there was no shortage of people only too happy to explain why. And a very entertaining read it was too.
As GBnews likes to point out: they’re not a news organisation, they’re an entertainment platform.
How often should Elle or Vogue or MTV get a question?
You can’t have one face for regulators and another for everything else. https://t.co/2EdlXswwTQ
— Tom. (@Dobbln) August 27, 2024
Sorry, it’s because I only called news reporters. And I know GBNews aren’t a news channel, because that’s what you keep saying when you’re caught being biased and spreading misinformation. https://t.co/32AHOrOW81
— Parody Keir Starmer (@Parody_PM) August 27, 2024
They haven’t called CBBC at all so probably count yourselves fucking lucky. https://t.co/AzQgwVm95u
— Malcolm V Tucker ☠️ (@Tucker5law) August 27, 2024
Hi Christopher, if you want to ask questions of the Prime Minister, have you tried working for an actual news channel?
I have a feeling it might help your chances!
— Tobi (@TobiFrenzen) August 27, 2024
GB News, whenever complaints about its political bias are raised: “Ofcom, there’s nothing to see here. We’re NOT a NEWS channel. Alright?”
Also GB News: “Why don’t our reporters ever get a chance to ask questions at NEWS conferences?” https://t.co/sfqF3o2zHD
— Edwin Hayward (@edwinhayward) August 28, 2024
That’s one time too many for me Chris
— Oz Katerji (@OzKaterji) August 27, 2024