The unfortunate timing of this trip to see the Christmas train was predictable but still very funny
A dad shared the video of his trip to see the ‘holiday train with the kids’ after a 30 minute drive.
And while the unfortunate timing is no doubt very predictable, it’s still a very funny (and just a tiny bit sad) watch.
Nothing like driving 30 minutes to see the holiday train with the kids,’ said RogersRedditPersona who shared it.
Nothing like driving 30 minutes to see the holiday train with the kids
byu/RogersRedditPersona inmildlyinfuriating
‘That’s why you shouldn’t bring your kids to the wrong side of the tracks.’
Wizard_of_Claus‘As a trainspotter hobbyist, I feel this.
‘I once stood on a train platform in Kyoto Japan and took photos/videos of trains passing for over an hour. The moment I felt I had enough and packed up my camera, Japan’s legendary “Doctor Yellow” train passed by. If I literally just waited three more minutes, I would have had a spectacular view of it.’
xeno0153‘The comedic timing on this video is astounding.’
Rhewin‘The timing is almost like it’s written for a sitcom. Like Sheldon wanted to go see the trains or something.’
bigbusta‘Your kids might laugh at this someday. And I’m sure that someday (if they already don’t) they’ll appreciate the fact you tried.’
Source Reddit u/RogersRedditPersona