Entertainment lee mack quiz

This brainteaser from ITV’s The 1% Club has been melting minds everywhere (whether you are left or right handed)

This time of year the newspapers (back when we all used to read them) are full of end of year quizzes and the like.

So here is just one particular quiz question to get your thinking caps on while you fill the days between Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve.

It’s from ITV’s rather good quiz show, The 1% Club with Lee Mack, and it’s a proper brainteaser!

And it didn’t send the entire internet into meltdown, it has to be said. Just most of it.

This person seemed confident that the answer is two.

But this person was even more confident that it’s 50.

Not everyone agreed though.

Except quite a few did! An awful lot, in fact.

One thing’s for sure, it’s definitely not this (sorry @Robbycool1991)

It’s 50, it’s definitely 50.

That’s all very well, but now we’re so confused we’ve forgotten how to write.

And if that’s got you in the mood, watch a whole bunch of The 1% Club on ITV here!

This isn’t an entirely positive note to end on, but it did make us smile.

You tell ’em, John!


The brilliant Nicholas Hoult had the very best response after Elon Musk posted this picture of of ‘Nikola Tesla’ on Twitter

Source @NotFarLeftAtAll