Just when this £1,350 a month room to rent can’t get any more jaw-dropping, along comes the next house rule – only 17 responses you need
Finding a decent place to rent is very difficult, especially in London, where you’re asked to pay a fortune for what is essentially a toilet cubicle with a mattress and a kettle in it, and expected to be grateful.
Even though the new government is making vague efforts to rectify the situation, things aren’t improving quickly enough, as this advert for a room in North London showed.
Anyone looking for a single bedroom with no heating where you can’t make noise and can only be home from 8:30pm to 8am (weekdays only)? Here’s one for a bargain (£1350)!!! pic.twitter.com/f4icntNUPC
— Sophia (@0ldoini) January 13, 2025
Here are those screen grabs in full.
And the text of the worst bits of the advert, just so you can be fully and clearly outraged…
Room to rent on the edge of Hampstead Heath
Hello, I am looking for a lodger for my lovely flat in South End Green/Gospel Oak. I am a 38-year-old professional researcher and music teacher. The flat is located on a quiet residential street with very little traffic. The flat overlook Hampstead Heath park which can be accessed from the street (2 minute walk), as well as close access to Hampstead Heath ponds and lido for swimming.
I am looking for a quiet, clean and friendly person to lodge here. You will have use of the kitchen, bathroom and your bedroom. I work long hours from the living room so this area is not available for use. This space would ideally suit someone working longish hours in the city during the week and leaving the city at weekends.
Please note: The flat sits right next to the overground line and you can hear the trains from the flat. I am also teaching the violin here in the evenings 4-8.30pm Mon-Thurs, whilst this takes place on a different floor to the bedroom I am offering it would be audible, so this room would suit someone who isn’t home until post 8.30pm.
House rules: no guests, no pets, no use of the living space, no noise after 11pm, please keep the kitchen and bathroom clean and tidy.
So essentially, they’re offering a room Monday to Thursday, but you can only access it after 8.30pm, and you’re not allowed to sit on the sofa. And they’re asking a whopping £1350 per month for the privilege. As you might expect, people were not very impressed.
So basically this person wants a ghost to pay for haunting her flat
— Sakhalin Husky (@Sneekychalker) January 14, 2025
No guests? You can’t even have a friend round to sit in the bedroom with you like a teenager
— spamvicious (@spamvicious) January 14, 2025
You what? I paid about that for a 1 bed, fairly spacious concierged flat with a pool, jacuzzi and sauna in Canary Wharf backing onto the Thames (so great views) and left that about 6 years ago. Have rental prices really spiralled that madly?!
— Owain (@Sport_Music_TV) January 14, 2025
Just don’t understand how somebody can type out an advertisement like this, check it, and then say, ‘seems reasonable, I would go for that’.
— Ben O’Flanagan (@benoflan21) January 14, 2025
If you fart between 10 and 4, she calls the police.
— Michael (@mike_harrigan) January 14, 2025
You’d get a 4 bed detached rental for that in other parts of the country. That is madness
— Laney✝️ (@LaneyGB80) January 14, 2025
To be fair to her, there’s no noise restriction after 8.30 until 11pm, and you can smoke.
Me in my cold room 8.31 to 10.59 Monday – Thursday: pic.twitter.com/yb3n4kRRck— Luke Veasey (@Lukeveasey) January 14, 2025
The passive aggressive way she’s implying she doesn’t want anyone home till half eight – what if you don’t mind the sound of violins being learnt? What if you’ve got headphones and are happy to cook you dinner and eat your food whilst listening to a podcast?
— Shanghai Hannah (@ShanghaiHannah) January 14, 2025
You shouldn’t be there before 8:30pm but then you also shouldn’t make any noise after 11 so you effectively have two and a half hours per day in which to exist in your unheated room or the kitchen.
— Conor Callaghan (@ConorJCallaghan) January 14, 2025