‘What are you unashamedly a snob about?’ – 24 people who couldn’t give a sustainably-sourced, organic fig how pretentious they sound
Admitting to being a bit of a snob isn’t something people are generally keen on, unless they can hide behind the faceless anonymity of the internet and really let their inner Hyacinth Bucket go wild.
Over on the AskUK subreddit, user brbyeah asked ‘What are you unashamedly a snob about?’ and followed it up with a haughty opinion of their own:
‘For me it’s when people on tv can’t say ‘th’ and say ‘f” instead. Like Fursday instead of Thursday. I think when TV presenters do it they should go on a correction course, winds me up.’
And it turns out they aren’t the only person out there with high-and-mighty opinions, as the replies showed…
‘Loud parents. The ones who just scream at their kids all the time.’
‘And the ones who let their kids scream or run around in supermarkets, or let them play games on a tablet at high volume in restaurants!’
‘People with university degrees that write ‘would of’ or ‘should of’. FFS, how did they pass exams with grammar this bad???’
‘People doing a full supermarket shop in pyjamas and dressing gown or really scruffy/dirty loungewear. Its not a lifestyle choice, its not a symptom of class or finances, you’re just a scruffy ****.’
‘People who spell the word lose with a double O.’
‘People who say ‘on accident’ instead of ‘by accident’. I have no idea why.’
‘If you have ‘Only God can judge me’ tattooed on you I’m instantly going to assume you’re at least a bit of a bellend.’
‘People who say their ts as ck. Hospickal, bockle, lickle, etc.’
‘Coffee. Freshly ground or gtfo.’
‘Beer. I’ll drink any style of beer but my I am instantly depressed when I go to pub and the only options are cheap macro lager or John Smith’s.’
‘Non-natural fibres in clothing. Polyester shirts and ties, acrylic jumpers, etc.
‘Not only terrible for the environment due to the micro plastics being released, but also terrible for BO due to the fact the clothing can’t breathe properly. Only exception would be specialist sports/outdoor wear.’
‘Cinema etiquette. Talking is unacceptable, doing anything with your phone is hugely unacceptable – the light is massively off-putting to anyone behind you.
‘Food – I would actually be in favour of banning all food from cinemas. I don’t mind people eating if they can do it quietly and with non-smelly food. I’m fine with popcorn generally. But people have proven that they cant be trusted to do that, so I’d take it all away. I don’t need to eat while I’m watching a film.
‘I would absolutely pay a premium to go to a cinema where these things are enforced. As it is, I barely go to the cinema anymore when I used to go all the time. I just inevitably get my experience ruined by inconsiderate morons.’