‘What’s a law that doesn’t exist but absolutely should to address modern problems?’ – 24 rules that would instantly make the world a better place
The world changes at an incredibly rapid pace, but it feels like the law is very slow to catch up.
Which is good in many ways, as big decisions shouldn’t be made willy-nilly, but bad in others, like when a president-elect is allowed to get away with attempting to overturn an election because the constitution says so.
Anyway, the good people of Reddit have been pondering this question, particularly user ThisHiker who posed the following question:
‘What’s a law that doesn’t exist yet but absolutely should to address modern problems?’
And had plenty of answers suggesting new laws that we really could do with.
‘Politicians should be completely banned from taking lobbyist money or participating in the stock market.’
‘A law to regulate the brightness and specifications of vehicle lights. Shit gets brighter and brighter every year.’
‘We definitely need a law that regulates how much personal data companies can collect from consumers without explicit consent. It’s wild how much info is gathered from us just when we browse online or use apps.
‘There should be clear, enforced limits to protect our privacy and ensure our data isn’t being used against us or sold without our knowledge.’
‘When a newspaper prints a story that is proved to be untrue, they should be made to dedicate the exact same page number and page space as the original article for their retraction instead of just a tiny 2 liner at the bottom of page 26.’
‘The right for children to not have their pictures uploaded on the internet. There are kids who pretty much have their whole growth documented online because it was uploaded regardless of their consent.’
‘Not blasting music or videos in public.’
‘Zero tolerance on corruption.’
‘Should be illegal for YT/Tik Tok pranksters to harass random people and shove cameras on their faces, especially people that are at work. Should be instant jail.’
‘Cops need body cams? A law that politicians do too. Anyone can demand video and audio recordings of all meetings, especially with lobbyists.’
‘A law banning political contributions from PACs, ‘non-profits’, and corporations.’
‘Term limits in more government positions. Age limits on presidents.’
‘The top earner of a company is capped at 20X the annual salary of the lowest paid worker, including any bonuses.
‘Lowest paid worker makes 20K per year? CEO makes no more than 400K.
‘CEO wants 2M? Gotta pay every worker $100K or more.’