Life comebacks dating relationships

A guy who judged this woman on her looks was given a taste of his own medicine and he didn’t like it one bit

Another entry now from our comeback hall of fame, a man who judged this woman on what she looks like so she decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.

It went viral in the corner of Reddit called ‘murdered by words’ and it really is no exaggeration.

Mega oof.

‘C’mon Rob! How’d she do? Rob? Rob?? ROB!! Oh dear god… Oh, the humanity… Oh he definitely dead.’

‘So you cant drink, party or be on insta AND be in a relationship with Rob at the same time?’

‘I feel adding his name at the end of that paragraph made it even more hard hitting.’

Some people wondered why Rob went for such a negative opener (and what he hoped to achieve by it).

‘I don’t understand backhanded compliments.’

‘This is how I imagine Rob expected the conversation to go:

‘Rob: “you seem like you’re more into partying than relationships”

‘Her: “That used to be true, until I had a look at you 5’7-in-heels hunk of a man”

‘Rob: “wanna come over to my parent’s house? I’m living with them but only for practical purposes”

‘Edit: to the comments criticizing her for attacking rob’s height, I don’t think she’s being malicious about male height in general. I imagine the point of her response is to show Rob how shitty it feels to be judged entirely by your looks.

‘Also (imo), she’s moreso mocking how he is insecure about himself so he lies about his height. Not an actual criticism of his height

‘And I’m sorry to anyone offended who lives with their parents. I live with my parents too. It really is the practical decision!’


This video of Brewdog’s James Watt and Georgia Toffolo ‘roasting’ each other had people hollering into next week