“What’s a random ‘life hack’ you swear by, even if no one believes it works?” – 15 tried, tested and occasionally weird tips
The late great Anthony Bordain reckoned the best coffee needed steeping for four minutes precisely – and a pinch of salt. Some people put vinegar-soaked kitchen roll on their sunburn – and rinsing with mouthwash is a cold preventative, apparently.
Someone posed the following question in the r/AskReddit forum –
What’s a random “life hack” you swear by, even if no one believes it works?
From the daft to the profound, via sweet and amusing, here are 14 of Reddit’s best life hacks.
Vinegar is amazing for stopping pain from sunburn. Get a few pieces of kitchen roll, soak them in vinegar and put it on the places that are sore. Wait for the kitchen roll to dry and have a shower to get rid of the smell, works like a dream. No-one ever believes me, haha.
Talk to yourself. It can help you develop your ideas & process emotional things & also will help you remember how you got to this point in life and why you’re like this now.
Starting to catch a cough/cold or already have one … rinse with mouthwash. This occurred to me a few years back and every time it has helped me get better quicker.
Spend an hour finding something in your house? When you are done with it put it in the first place you looked.
My weird life hack is to keep a small notebook or a piece of paper by my bed and jot down any thought or task that pops into my head before I sleep. It’s amazing how much stress it relieves! No more tossing and turning, just peace knowing I’ll deal with it in the morning.
Looking away from the loading screen and saying that you don’t care how much time it takes, makes it load faster. Trust me.
Microwave twice as long at 1/2 the power and get a much better and even heated result. It’s still massively faster than heating up a pan on the stove.
Being kind to others will actually improve your own life significantly.
Store baked bean cans upside down to make it easier to pour them out without scraping the bottom when you open them.
I keep a “gifts list” on my phone notes throughout the year and jot down any time I hear someone mention something looks neat or something they want.
It makes holiday/other gift-giving occasions much easier come year end.
Start an excel doc with every significant purchase you make eg over 100e, where, when, how much, warranty, where’s the receipt, link to manual, etc etc
6yo dishwasher died the other day and I was able to go back and check the price and location so I could get a good deal on a new one because I knew all the details from before, I even had the plumbers website saved and was able to contact them
Stereo died and i thought maybe it was still in warranty and instead of trawling email or hoping to find a receipt somewhere I looked it up in 10 seconds, it was out of warranty, but I knew fast
So random but I’ve been hiding all ads on my Pinterest and marking them as “irrelevant” to me, and I’ve done it so often that ads only pop up on my home feed like once every other week. Then I do the same with that one ad I see and then no ads again. So basically I found a weird way to remove ads from an app that is nothing but ads.
If you have a mosquito bite that is really itchy, take your shower head and just blast it with water as hot as you can stand. You feel the itchiness just melt away. I’ve tried every method, product, tip and trick over the years and this is the only thing that has ever brought any relief. The relief normally lasts for about 24 hours.
–zephxvHolding something HOT against a mosquito bite was a game changer for me. I saw this little device that heats up a tiny disk on the tip for 3 or 6 seconds to stop the itching. I was desperate so I ordered the bite stick and the heating tool and I’ll be damned – that heating tool worked amazingly. It hurts like hell for 6 seconds, but then I’m not itchy for a solid 8-10 hours afterwards.
Anthony Bourdain said the perfect coffee is in a french press with a tiny pinch of salt and 4 minutes to steep.
Separating bananas from the bunch will give them a few extra days before they start to turn brown.
One for the next gig you go to.
The best spot to be at a concert is right in front of the sound guy.
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Source r/AskReddit Image Wikimedia Commons