‘Why are restaurants increasingly calling their food absurd names?’ – 19 dishes that will have you spitting out your monkey fingers
We’re lucky in the UK to have an incredibly diverse range of restaurants and cafes serving some of the best food in the world. What isn’t so good, however, is the trend for naming the the dishes on the menu with increasingly awful names. Slutty fries, anyone? It’s been noted by the good people of Reddit, with user discoveredunknown asking:
Why are restaurants and menus in the UK increasingly calling their food absurd names?
And people were keen to offer their own examples of horribly named food that makes them feel a bit queasy.
‘I was at a burger place in Edinburgh where they had monkey fingers on the menu. When we enquired what they were the server said: ‘People always ask that, they’re just chicken tenders.’ If everyone has to ask, and they’re nothing special anyway, why call them that?’
‘Big Wet Daddy Burger… absolutely no way am I saying that out loud to a waiter.’
‘It’s not just the UK. I live in France and see the same kind of burger names. Also spotted a ‘FUCK OFF CROISSANT’ on a cafe menu recently.’
‘This drives me up the wall. I would sooner leave a pub or restaurant than ask for ‘Slutty Fries’ and a ‘Ranch Like Nobody’s Watching’ burger.
On the other hand, I also hate menus that just list the ingredients in a vague order. ‘Heritage beef, local craft ale, shortcrust pastry’, you mean a pie?’
‘I remember being in the states with my family once and we saw pancakes entitled ‘Rooty tooty fresh and fruity’.’
‘The worst cocktail name I’ve ever seen is ‘Cocksucking Cowboy’.’
‘Went to Greenwich Market last week and really fancied some jerk chicken but couldn’t bring myself to order the ‘Jerk Dat Ting’ off the menu so just had a hot dog.’
‘I went to a restaurant about 10 years ago with a chicken dish on the menu called ‘The Bastard Chicken’. Surreal moment when my friend asked the waiter ‘Is the bastard spicy?”
‘I had to translate half a menu from ‘Hipster’ to ‘English’ for a Spanish friend, who happens to be a technical English teacher (think an English teacher that’s teaching words like ‘nuclear reactor’ and the components of a lathe). Not because she doesn’t understand English, but because none of the names of menu items made sense to her. It was frustrating and funny in equal measure.’