‘What’s a problem only attractive people have?’ – 17 everyday hassles that we can frankly only imagine
It’s only natural to look at attractive people and think that they have it all. But does their beauty come with hidden costs? That’s what Reddit user fuzzyloulou wanted to know, so they threw this question out to the good people over at r/AskReddit.
‘What’s a problem only attractive people have?’
These top replies reveal that the perks of looking good can sometimes only be skin deep…
‘Having to differentiate between “are they my friend” or “are they just trying to fuck me”’
‘People pursuing you just to see if they have access. They’re rarely interested in getting to know you, they just want to experience you.’
‘Most attention is unwanted attention.’
‘People thinking you’re “out of their league” when you’re just vibing, like chill, we’re all human here.’
‘Never being sure of someone’s intentions.’
‘“I can’t find my own style, everything just looks good on me”. -Friend of mine that is an absolute looker.’
‘Attracting weirdos.’
‘Being put on a pedestal that makes it hard to have genuine relationships.’
‘When you’re an attractive woman, many people will assume your professional accomplishments are a result of your looks, not your work performance.’