US canada donald trump justin trudeau

A Florida ‘child of God’ took aim at Justin Trudeau in the Trump trade wars and it was a self-own visible from space

He’s been back in the White House for just two weeks and Donald Trump is already plumbing unforeseen depths, declaring a trade war on basically any country that does business with the United States (so most of them, then).

Close to the top of Trump’s firing line is neighbour Canada, who the US President appears intent on making his country’s ’51st state’ which obivously isn’t going to happen any time soon.

Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau has been giving as good as he’s got just using grown-up language (as we’ve written about over here) and with the long term interests of not just his country but all countries at heart.

And it caught the eye of retired businessman and freemason Jack Miladin, a self-described ‘child of God’ from south Florida who turned to the Bible to troll Trudeau.

And it was a self-own worthy of Trump himself.

Hard to believe we know, but what made it even better was Jack Miladin’s insistence on responding to all the people busy owning him somewhere into 2026, and it’s just glorious.

But best of all was surely the ‘reader context’ added to this.

Last word to the man himself (no, not Goliath).

Thoughts and prayers.


The contrast between Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump talking tariffs is more glaring than the sun and it totally nails where we’re at right now

Source @JohnMiladin