
A thread about the Spanish language went from dumb to dumber

It looks like there was a mass idiot-off on Tumblr, and either one of these two people commenting on the Spanish language won – or humanity’s collective IQ lost.

They came so close to getting it …

This takedown is one for the ages.

From now on, every stupid thing will be measured against the benchmark of gluing fake moustaches to eyebrows.

Reddit users were somewhat gobsmacked by the sheer stupidity.

What did I just read with my own two eyeballs?

Port O’Rico sent my sides to orbit.

There’s something extra hilarious in the fact that they didn’t forget the apostrophe in “Port o’ Rico” despite not bothering with punctuation anywhere else.

The minute you think, “No one is that stupid” you are always wrong.

Yeah, we speak French in Canada but there isn’t a place called Frenchia anywhere.

Holy mierda.

Gotta love how stupid people are so sure of themselves.

Someone not knowing of the existence of Spain is so aggressively American it’s hilarious.

Growing up I was made to sing songs about how the Spanish sent a guy to this continent and supposedly “found” it. So don’t lump all of us in with this moron.

But were they made to sing songs about Port o’Rico?


These TikTok Spanish lessons are a hilariously slapstick delight

Source r/MurderedByWords Image r/MurderedByWords, katerina on Pixabay