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Footballer blackmailed for ‘showing no interest in orgy’

Sports News: Met detectives are investigating an alleged plot to blackmail a Premier league footballer for declining to take part in an orgy in a Las Vegas hotel room.

footballer blackmailed for showing no interest in group sex

The star is said to have been recorded passing up the opportunity on a friend’s BlackBerry phone, while another of the participants claims to have heard “sounds of reading” coming from the player’s room.

A spokesman for the player’s club insisted there was no truth to the allegations and threatened legal action against anyone naming the star.

“The young man in question is a core part of this team, and as such has no hesitation about having sex alongside his team mates with women they have only just met and plan never to see again. Any suggestion to the contrary is outrageous and defamatory. If someone has footage of this man walking round a hotel suite, sober and fully clothed, I would challenge them to come forward.”

A woman has since spoken to reporters saying she was involved, but had no idea the player was being set up. “I was there to have mindless sex with an athlete – nothing more,” says the model.

“I couldn’t see a great deal at the time but I’m pretty sure I heard him say, ‘you’re alright. I think I’ll just turn in’. When the door closed one of the others said, ‘that’s it – we’ve got him!’”

The same player was forced to take out an injunction last season, after it emerged that he had only one car.