Twitter Reacts To The Scottish Independence Referendum
People in Scotland have begun voting on whether the country should stay in the UK or become an independent nation. Here’s what the internet thought about it.
Preparing some pics in case there's a Yes vote #indyref
— General Boles (@GeneralBoles) September 18, 2014
Good luck today Scotland, just remember what America does to small, poorly defended countries with lots of oil.
— Jason Cook (@jasonmarkcook) September 18, 2014
First look at the purpose built studio where Nick Robinson will be covering today’s Scottish Independence vote.
— tom jamieson (@jamiesont) September 18, 2014
Let’s check in on Scotland’s Facebook…
— JamieDMJ (@JamieDMJ) September 17, 2014
Scotland: the dream of Snowdon being the UK’s tallest mountain is in your hands.
— Benjamin Partridge (@benpartridge) September 18, 2014
If David Beckham can write a letter, anything is possible.
— Frankie Boyle (@frankieboyle) September 15, 2014
Love this sign outside an Edinburgh church doubling as a polling booth today.
— Seonag MacKinnon (@SeonagM) September 18, 2014
Scotland, hate David Cameron? We have a club for that. It’s called everyone and we meet in the pub.
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) September 18, 2014
WORLD PICTURE EXCLUSIVE! Bono Cloud spotted over Edinburgh Castle as Scotland votes. #indyref
— The Poke (@ThePoke) September 18, 2014
Final reminder of the powers Scotland will definitely* get after a No vote #indyref
*not definite
— David Schneider (@davidschneider) September 18, 2014
A sign appears on the Scottish/English border at Gretna as Scotland goes to polls. #referendum
— Christopher Furlong (@Chris_Furlong) September 18, 2014
The Queen is reportedly in Scotland as the #indyref vote happens.
— SimonNRicketts (@SimonNRicketts) September 18, 2014
If the vote is deadlocked, Scotland faces the terrifying prospect of Louis Walsh having the final say.
— Jason (@NickMotown) September 18, 2014
Gordon Brown, checking the timetable, wondering why his promised extra powers have not shown up. #ScotlandDecides
— beaubodor (@beaubodor) September 18, 2014
This is getting bloody ridiculous now. #indyref
— Marty Lawrence (@TeaAndCopy) September 18, 2014
Are you sure you want to uninstall Scotland? #indyref #ScotlandDecides #yourvotematters
— Bruce Martin (@BruceMartin) September 18, 2014
Definitely the most original #indyref banner today
— Evening News (@edinburghpaper) September 18, 2014
…but for how long?
— John Ashton (@JROAshton) September 9, 2014
How will you vote today? Use our handy flowchart!
— HuffPost UK Comedy (@HuffPostUKCom) September 18, 2014
Go for it Scotland. You have nothing to lose apart from the Tories, FOREVER. #ScotlandDecides #IndyRef #Yes
— Jimbo Loony (@JimboLoony) September 18, 2014
Congratulations to The Scotsman for perhaps the most grindingly dull front page in the history of newspapers #indyref
— The Daily Rupert (@TheMurdochTimes) September 18, 2014
— mzbch (@amoozbouche) September 18, 2014
David Cameron makes a final desperate plea to Scotland #indyref
— Unnamed Insider (@Unnamedinsider) September 18, 2014
BREAKING NEWS FROM FACEBOOK: People condescendingly telling Scotland to “do the right thing”
— Dai Lama (@WelshDalaiLama) September 18, 2014
Who ever controls the subs for the BBC is doing excellent work
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) September 18, 2014
I've drawn up a list of the Pros and Cons of Scottish Independence. #indyref
— Marty Lawrence (@TeaAndCopy) September 18, 2014
Will an #indyref yes vote guarantee an end to Jools' Hootenanny?
— Lee Noble (@ThisLeeNoble) September 18, 2014
today is the day that the people of scotland will vote for yes club 7 or the darling buds of nay xox
— Chris SimpsonsArtist (@getbentsaggy) September 18, 2014
This nice man is quite cross
— Marcus Chown (@marcuschown) February 16, 2014
In Aberdeen, proof of how #IndyRef has divided Scotland, even, it seems couples
— Martin Williams (@Martin1Williams) September 18, 2014
#ScotlandDecides #Scotland #ScottishReferendum
— rob collins (@rwpcollins) September 18, 2014