Weird World

A tweet of an embarrassing but hilarious prank Christmas card has gone viral


Morgan Svobodny has kindly tweeted a photo her brother mocked up and sent as a Christmas card to their whole family, in spite of it being a pretty embarrassing prank and it has picked up almost 133 thousand retweets in less than a week.

Source: @MorganSvobodny

She tweeted “OMG MY BROTHER IS SUCH AN ASS. HE PHOTOSHOPPED A PIC OF ME WITH CHIEF KEEF & SENT OUT THESE CHRISTMAS CARDS”. In case you don’t know, Chief Keef is a rapper, as was explained in the even more embarrassing note Morgan‘s brother enclosed with the card.”


The note says:


“Happy holidays, everyone! I hope you all had an amazing 2016 and are looking forward to making 2017 even better. This year has treated me fantastic.

Since September, I’ve been in a very serious relationship with an amazing guy named Keith Cozart, a famous rapper who some of you may know as Chief Keef. He has many hit songs that you’ve probably heard, such as “That’s the shit I don’t like”, “I hate being sober” and “These bitches love Sosa”.

Keith is an amazing guy with a lot going for him and this is the happiest I’ve been in at least 6 months!

I dropped out of college last month because I found out that I’m pregnant and I’m pretty sure that Keith is the dad (not positive though).

Keith and I plan on moving to Atlanta in March and we couldn’t be more excited!!

Best wishes to you all in 2017!

P.S. Bang Bang”

Pretty evil, right? But you can’t fault his photoshopping skills. These are the two pictures he spliced, even going so far as to add a hand to make it look more convincing. Cunning!


As @Pwnzyy replied, “Photoshop level: 300”.