
Well, it’s one way of getting people to read about the Budget

The Plymouth Herald had an unusual take on the potentially dry issue of the hike in national insurance contributions for self-employed people in Philip Hammond’s budget.

Riffing on the “dominatrix” angle for all its worth, the Herald wrote:

“A Plymouth sex worker has slammed the Chancellor’s painful tax hike, saying the precarious nature of her work leaves little financial breathing space.

“Margaret Corvid, a journalist and dominatrix who works from her Plymouth home, says increasing National Insurance contributions for self-employed people could cause distress and discomfort.”

And just in case you weren’t sure what her work involves…

18/11/2016 Pic by: Penny Cross
Sam meeting professional dominatrix Margaret Corvid
Contact: Margaret: 07627 276 395

Cue lots of this sort of thing in the readers’ comments.

And grumpy Herald readers.