
A blogger had diarrhoea while he was out with his 4-year-old and her reaction wasn’t what you’d expect

She was so proud of him that she decided to trumpet the news of his triumph.

Naturally it all passed, and as I buckled Aspen into the car seat, a small package of anti-diarrhea pills held in my mouth, Mel asked what took so long, and I rolled my eyes and mumbled, “You don’t want to know.”

It was then that Aspen was kind enough to recount the story to her mother, clapping the whole time. I sat in the driver’s seat. Mel patted my leg, “Nice work, Daddy.”

All I could do was say, “Thank you.”

When he posted this on his Facebook page, it struck a chord with other parents.

Kids aren’t just fascinated by bodily functions – they’re all about the anatomy too.

Via I’ve No Idea What I’m Doing