
This office does a ‘smell check’ to stop people reading their phones on the loo and the internet’s appalled

Well, it’s one way of stopping people spending the working day reading their phones on the loo.

It’s just not the way we’d choose to go about it. Especially if we were the smell checker.

And you’ll be reassured (and probably not overly surprised) that everyone thought the same thing as you.

‘You gotta be shittin’ me,’ said LiveFastDieSlow who shared it on Reddit.

yo_funky_mama: ‘Who is the lucky employee entrusted with this noble task?’

Gorilla1969: “Karen, I notice you did not met your sales goal again last month. You’re on shit-sniffing duty until you bring your numbers up.”

JColt60: ‘I would eat taco’s, sardines, brussel sprouts, and boiled eggs. Wash it down with ex lax. Come pop your head in bitch!’


Enjoy this all-time great office troll

Source Reddit u/LiveFastDieSlow