
‘Now THIS is how you break up’

There’s breaking up and there’s breaking up. And then there’s breaking up … like THIS.

The billboard went viral on Reddit where lots of people were convinced it was photoshopped.

It’s not photoshopped – that’s a genuine billboard – but people were right to raise an eyebrow. It turns out it was a marketing stunt for a US TV show back back in the mists of time (2006).

“Emily is really an amalgam of all of us who have been cheated on,” said one of the TV executives responsible. “Clearly, this really resonated with people.”

Could have had unfortunate unforeseen circumstances though.

‘This could be really awkward for some other Steven whose wife’s name happens to be Emily.’ LoveToast64

‘Especially if he’s cheating, and she didn’t know.’ AnomalousAvocado


This heartfelt break-up text went awry and we feel bad for laughing

Source Reddit u/G0dzilla11