Sky News just interviewed Terry Waite about self-isolation – only 5 responses you need
It’s week two of the great lockdown and while it’s no doubt frustrating and difficult – more difficult for some than others – it IS week two.
So when Sky News decided to interview Terry Waite about the challenge of self-isolating, well, it’s fair to say some people thought it might have been a little OTT.
Sky News interviewing Terry Waite on how to survive time in self-isolation…..
— Mike Barrett (@langcatmike) March 31, 2020
Here are our favourite 5 responses.
“We don’t want to panic viewers but here are some tips on surviving very long periods of isolation from former hostage Terry Waite.”
— Jamie Glackin (@JamieGlackin1) March 31, 2020
@SkyNews What Terry Waite went through was horrific. Sitting on our arses, taking trips to the fridge every 15 minutes while watching shit tv is not comparable. People need to give their heads a wobble.
— Emma (@DeLaraFurtado) March 31, 2020
Terry Waite, 1776 days in a room on his own blindfolded and chained to a wall, only let out for 5 mins a day for loo, just told us all to stop whinging,
Change your mindset he said,
Your not stuck at home,
Your Safe at home
👏— Brent (@nyorkstrinity) March 31, 2020
And just in case you were wondering what he said …
Fantastic advice from Terry Waite on dealing with self-isolation following his years in captivity.
✅ Keep your own dignity – get out of your PJs!
✅ Form a structure for the day
✅ Be grateful for what you have – shelter, home, possessions
✅ Read and be creative #COVID19— Siobhan O'Sullivan (@SiobhanEDU) March 31, 2020