
‘Behold the headless student’

This teacher played a trick on her students which was cruel – only a bit cruel – but very, very funny.

It went viral on Reddit after it was shared by memezzer and here are some of the things people said about it.

‘Simple yet effective. I will use this to traumatize my future kids.’ Spooky_Unicorn

‘I want to put some red paint inside the balloon so when it explodes it will be bloody hell kids.’ ObnoxiousSoul

‘That was absolutely horrible. It’s like telling your kids you’re taking them to Disney, then rolling up to a burned down warehouse and saying NOO!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO DISNEYLAND!!! (you can use that one too if you like).’ stumpdawg

Could have been worse though. Could have been what happened to this guy.

‘I went to a camp as a child and one night they gathered us all to sit and see the punishment of some kid. The kid was in on it the whole time and was the councilors kid or something. Anyways after about an hour if screaming at him about how he didn’t wash his plate they setup an ultra realistic scene where they chopped off one of his fingers with an axe as punishment.

‘All the kids went hysterical, crying and shouting. They played it out perfect, fake blood etc. We all thought it was 100% real, it was super messed up. The kid went off in a car to “the hospital” and we never saw him again. We got told to never tell anyone about it.

‘Only weeks after the camp I guess a kid told his parents who complained against the camp and they sent out a letter apologising. For weeks I thought it was real and could happen to me.’ xenzor


Tiny Tim’s baby-voiced prank call was comedy relief to this transport firm

H/T Reddit u/memezzer Source YouTube