
This reporter crossing the Place de la Concorde without looking is simply terrifying

Most terrifying horror film you’ll watch today.

In 1984 a German correspondent in Paris explains how to cross Place de la Concorde. “Walk in a steady pace and never look at the drivers, then they’ll think you need to stop for them.” from r/funny

Can we look yet?

‘I remember going there as a child in 1985 and being amazed at the number of cars seemingly driving without any rules, horns sounding, cars leaving next to no space between each other. We gave up trying to cross the road after 20 minutes and went to the the louvre instead. My relief was immeasurable.’ mcRibalicious

‘Avoid eye contact as they’ll interpret that as a challenge. Don’t show fear, they can smell it. If possible cross the road in centre of larger group so people on the outside will absorb the impact.’ NoWingedHussarsToday


This might be the best thing anyone’s done with the panoramic option on their camera phone

Source Reddit u/kraven420