This anti-masker getting owned into next week is a supremely satisfying (NSFW) watch
There’s been no shortage of videos that have gone viral featuring furious anti-maskers getting very angry indeed in public.
Often, like this one, they also feature the moment when they were brutally – and hilariously – put in their place. Except not many of them are quite so satisfying as this (NSFW) one.
And here are just a few of the things people were saying about it.
“I’m not triggered you’re just an asshole” lol that was awesome.’
eddierosa13‘Imagine having a level of intelligence to be this badly embarrassed and humiliated yet thinking you won the exchange. Sheesh’
“That’s crazyyyyyy cause i’m talking to you like an alpha” lol I died.’
banoodlebamboozle‘lol picked the wrong kid this time.’
The_Aught‘The “unlike you” line hit him hard. Needed the camera flip to see the expression there.’
willalt319‘Lol kid had comebacks on deck.’
its_noel‘So we are now at the point where anti-maskers don’t want others wearing the either? How does that make any sense. Pretty clear it’s not actually about the mask. It’s tribalism plain and simple.’
And just in case you’re curious about DARE, it’s the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) programme taught in the US and around the world.
‘British things that would freak out Americans’ is 59 seconds well spent
Source Reddit u/amznfx