This excruciating fart prank is why it’s a bad idea to livestream on public transport
Popular Singaporean Twitch streamer @kiarakitty learnt the hard way – or at least the embarrassing way – that streaming in public comes with its own set of hazards.
One way she makes money from her Twitch account is by allowing followers to pay for the privilege of sharing audio links via a speaker, as she streams to thousands of viewers.
Many people send a message to friends and family or give their business a plug. Others do this.
The clip was shared on Reddit’s r/unexpected forum, by u/ameen__shaikh, where Redditors didn’t have much sympathy for @kiarakitty.
Well, it’s her own fault for trusting internet strangers.
And that, children, was called “The Ripping”.
I laughed out loud at this.
People stream in public like that? That just screams for stuff like this to happen.
It’s already rude to be streaming & talking on a bus where people can’t even leave. Why does she have speakers & not headphones?
This streaming culture is ridiculous. Hopefully as it matures so will the standards for decency. The old white dude probably has no clue about streaming or why he was shouted out on the bus.
u/ArtoriasBeaIG had slightly mixed feelings about the whole thing.
“Welcome to how to win friends and influence people!”
I don’t understand why people film themselves/everyday things and put them up on the Internet, but I’m glad they do cos every now and then it’s utterly hilarious.
They’re not wrong.
This story of a toxic gym fart trumps any we’ve ever heard
Source u/unexpected Image Screengrab