McDonald’s might not be lovin’ this unfortunate bus-stop ad placement
Over on Reddit’s r/Facepalm forum, u/xanniq has shared this clip of an ad placement that’s either a terrible accident or a genius piece of ironic marketing. We may never know which.
Since the same people that tell us how much of a problem obesity is tend to warn that we should limit our fast food intake, we’re inclined to think it’s an error of judgement rather than a strategy.
Here’s what Reddit users said.
Yep, our world in a nutshell.
I literally didn’t guess what the word was until I saw the McDonald’s ad 🤣 clever marketing though.
For every action there is a equal and opposite reaction.
Obesity. Im Luvin it.
Balaba ba ba~~~~
Someone named u/Nartuch saw no conflict of interests.
I don’t know. Their burgers are now microscopic. Not sure you can get full let alone obese.
Should have gone to Specsavers.
‘Ad Placement of the Week’ goes to the company that grabbed this opportunity
Source r/Facepalm Image Screengrab, karatara on Pexels