How English sounds to Japanese people is as funny as you’d expect
YouTuber and tutor, That Japanese Man Yuta, shares his insight into everything about the Japanese culture and language via his various social media accounts.
In some of his videos, he chats to Japanese people in the street, asking their opinions on everything from animé to Tinder, but in his most recent one, he asked Japanese speakers to imitate how they think people sound when they speak English.
It’s an eye opener.
Some of them kind of nailed that.
YouTubers loved it.
This was such a funny idea! I seriously could not stop laughing.
A Peckx
THE HANDS! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 that’s us 😂I laughed so hard at this. I now have confirmation that, yes, we sound like the Sims 😂😂😂 thanks, Yuta! I needed that laugh today!
Tonya Tonya!
Most of these were accurate enough in mannerisms to specifically recognise them as American impressions.
Why is this so funny? I’m crying! The hairdresser comedian and The Octopus guy! I can’t breathe! “Eight down. eight down. my name is eight-a-down.” He did what I would have done and just strung together the few random words I knew, regardless of if it made sense, and made it look convincing.
Some of them are really good, with an ear for the rhythm and musicality, or lack thereof; especially the ones who are not self-conscious. They just tap into their subconscious and out flows something that could just be barely misunderstood English.
Steven Banks
The ones who interspersed actual English words and just supplemented the rest with other phonemes were my favorites but I also like the one who was just like “aaaaaaaaahhhhh”.
Séamus Welch felt seen.
The woman at 1:30 sounds like me when I unexpectedly have to do any sort of public speaking, lol. I think she is the winner.
The ‘water clock’ at this Japanese railway station is simply next level stuff
Source Yuta Image Screengrab