
This coffee shop snob had no grounds for complaint after being thoroughly owned

Someone named u/Kimchiii__1424 posted an oldie but a goldie to Twitter. It’s not always the same photo, but it is always the same sentiment.

Such a good way to encourage a little politeness in the workplace. One person didn’t appreciate the system, though – for a terrible reason.

This comeback hit the nail on its ignorant head.

Redditors were firmly on the side of the coffee shop and whoever posted the murder by words.

Never understood why people are rude to people in the catering industry.

Those people are directly providing you food and drink. The only strangers that will ever directly aid me more in person are members of the emergency services.

It’s not serious. It’s just saying use manners. Which is the nice and easy thing to do.

Literally one comment destroyed his/her reputation.

I’ve watched friends of mine go from polite to downright vile towards servicepeople. I spent a lot of time with them over the years so there was no singular instance that made them turn, but for some reason they just did.
I wouldn’t be friends with those people anymore. Treating another person as subhuman because they’re providing a service is downright vile, fuck those people.

u/fizmiz had a suggestion for another way to ask for coffee.

“Greetings my most esteemed master of the brewing arts! It is with great humility i request just a dainty cup of your finest beverage, pretty please!” …how much for that coffee?

They pay you to say that.

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Source Reddit, Pexels on Pixabay