Rudy Giuliani is now selling sandals on Twitter – 17 perfectly fitting takedowns
Former New York mayor and erstwhile right hand man of Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, has suffered a few unfortunate low points in the last few years, involving hair dye, Four Seasons Total Landscaping, and that cameo appearance in Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat sequel.
And this, well, this is definitely up (down) there with the best of them, after Giuliani went on Twitter with an extra special offer for his followers.
Great products at reasonable prices. Use code Rudy for additional savings pic.twitter.com/O6EvkxHRt8
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) July 1, 2022
Who wouldn’t want to use the code Rudy for additional savings? But while we try to find our wallet, enjoy these 17 perfectly fitting takedowns.
Claim: the crypto space is weird and dumb and we should go back to mainstream institutions which are ruled by adults.
Reality: https://t.co/fsEOvVGaF0
— vitalik.eth (@VitalikButerin) July 1, 2022
Great for prison showers! https://t.co/hCVae3Hq89
— Reed Galen (@reedgalen) July 1, 2022
Well he isn’t my usual sandal vendor but I might give Rudy Giuliani a shot https://t.co/RJsNwngqva
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) July 1, 2022
graphic design is my passion https://t.co/aUYWkKRNGq
— Maggie Serota (@maggieserota) July 1, 2022
Post-truth American democracy is colliding with late-stage capitalism at a rate and force few political scholars and economists could ever have predicted. https://t.co/cLBLjdxBJr
— Adam Liaw (@adamliaw) July 1, 2022
is this the craziest tweet of all time https://t.co/lgWGepIwM0
— James (@CaucasianJames) July 1, 2022
https://t.co/z8vygwCdVr pic.twitter.com/qmKekCAcya
— Chambraigne Socialist (@bombsfall) July 1, 2022