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‘What is your pet hate of something someone does around the house?’ – 17 of the best (or worst)

Over on r/AskUK, u/nazaria75 has been asking people about their domestic gripes.

What is your pet hate of something someone does around the kitchen, or just the house in general?

To get the ball rolling, they shared their own pet hate.

Like something that means nothing in the grand scheme of things but irritates you no end?

Mine is the foil covering on the butter staying on. Like it’s your butter now, bin that foil. Does nothing but get in the way.

They were right. That does mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Redditors understood the assignment.


My husband leaves the knife in the butter like the fucking sword in the stone. Yeah, just shove those crumbs right into the centre of the tub, that’s great, thanks.


Not rinsing out cacky pans, bowls etc and just leaving them to go hard – makes washing them ten times harder!


Leaving water in the sink after washing the dishes, along with the cloth. My sister stayed with me for a month this summer, and whilst I was very appreciative for her doing the dishes at night, coming down in the morning to manky cold water in the sink and a sopping wet slimy cloth made me irrationally angry.




If I’m washing up and someone walks over and puts something in the sink it really grinds my tits, I have a system, just put the dirty dish on the side and fuck off.


My Dad has a terrible habit of changing oven temperatures while I am cooking meals. He only does this when it is a special occasion or there are lots of guests so he can ‘play his part’ in preparing the meal. Of course if it goes wrong it was nothing to do with him. Drives me up the wall!


My husband leaning over my shoulder giving me helpful ‘tips’ on how to cook a meal.


It fills me with a burning rage when someone is in the kitchen at the same time as me.


Leaving kitchen cupboard doors open. I’m seething just thinking about it 🤣