Social Media

There’s no love lost on this woman who wants a Valentine’s party cancelled because kids can’t go

In honour of Valentine’s Day, we thought we’d share this sneak peek at a bit of Facebook beef, courtesy of u/thevioletjinx, who spotted a neighbour’s very unreasonable reaction to a Facebook announcement of a Valentine’s party.

She wrote –

She wants the neighborhood adult Valentine’s party cancelled since she can’t take her kids. (sounds like she took them last year which is why they emphasize the no kids in the invite)

Here’s how her protest played out.

u/thevioletjinx shared this update.

Update: apparently she created her own Facebook group for the neighborhood and is trying to get people to join it lol.

Sadly, there’s no news on her success or otherwise.

There wasn’t much sympathy for her stance in the comments.

How do people not realize that doing something like this proves that their life is pathetic.

This shit is hilarious. It’s like peak Nextdoor neighbourhood drama and I’m here for it.

Tell me you are 5 without telling me you’re 5 :,) she/he needs to grow up.

Bet you a dollar she’s angry because she can’t take her kids to the party for others to babysit for free while she has adult drinking time.

I would probably make the choice for her and uninvite her from the party.

You don’t get it.

I AM NOT GOING to the party, so how can the party still exist??

Shut it down thanx.

u/AssistantEquivalent2 came to a brutal realisation.

Can’t imagine having nothing better to do than start an argument over a neighbourhood Facebook event. Yet here I am, commenting on a post about an argument on a neighbourhood Facebook event …fuck.


Not even Mr Bean could have made this Valentine’s gifts fail more slapstick than it is

Source Reddit Image Andres Ayrton on Pexels