A bride asked for a wedding photo refund because they’re splitting up and it’s one for the family album
Reasons you might reasonably ask for a refund on your wedding photos – they’re rubbish. The photographer didn’t show up. The photographer did show up, but to the wrong ceremony, that kind of thing.
But we hadn’t considered this particular reason before, and while obviously it’s very sad for all concerned (well, not the photographer) it’s also an absolute jaw-dropper.
The exchange went viral after it was shared in the corner of Reddit called ‘mildly infuriating’ and this is why.
Maximum points to the photographer for dealing with the request with the utmost courtesy.
And here are just some of the many things people said about it, not always displaying quite the same level of sympathy …
‘The venue, dress shop and caterer also owe her a refund … but she’s keeping the wedding gifts because they were gifts after all.’
Schlutes3273‘Um, McDonalds, I’m on a diet, so you need to refund my money on all the food I bought from you last year …’
RickKassidy‘Wedding guest here. Now that you are divorced, I would like my gift or the cash equivalent returned to me. Thanks.’
grofva‘Ummm … I want a refund on my kids’ baby pictures. They’ve grown up now and aren’t babies anymore.’
j_grouchy‘OK, so in order to properly undo the photoshoot, and for you to get your refund, you will need to recreate the wedding with 100% accuracy.
‘Please let me know when you and ALL the guests that were at the wedding will be able to reassemble at the church. It is critical that they all be in the same clothes as well, and it has to be the same day of the year with similar weather.
‘Only in this way, will I be able to create negative images with the camera, as I will have to retake every photo using special Nega-Film.
‘If you could ask everyone to have the exact same hairstyles as well, that would be a bonus.
‘Please note that there will be a one-time $25,000 cost for Nega-Film, as it is a rare commodity.
‘Let me know when you would like to get started!’
Source Reddit u/WealthyBigPenis22