
This rhino’s extraordinary fart will make you very glad this isn’t smellyvision

If you only watch one funny rhino video this week – what are the chances you are going to watch two? – then make it this one.

‘Rhino interrupts interview with a giant fart,’ said landskabet over on Reddit.

Rhino interrupts interview with a giant fart
by u/landskabet in WatchPeopleDieInside

Extraordinary scenes.

‘When you get in the car after a first date is over.’

‘I played this on my speakers while still being hooked to Bluetooth….the fart actually has some bass in it at the beginning.’

‘The kind of fart you feel hungry after.


‘Rhino: “Yeah, I could eat.”

‘To be clear, the interviewer is asking if he can recognize whose it is because there are 3 rhinos in the enclosure behind him. The last two northern whites and one southern white who functions as a sort of emotional support animal to them.

‘Essentially if he spends so much time with them that he can even recognize which is which just by farting (and he said it was Najin the oldest of the northern whites).’

‘I thought she was tryna blame the dude😂😭’

‘The way the Rhino rolls over after and just relaxes 🤣🤣🤣

‘Can relate.’

Source Reddit u/landskabet