
This must be the shortest commute outside of working from home

A Redditor named u/IHate17Here has shared what must surely be the world’s shortest commute. See what you think.

-How American are you? – This mf:
by u/1Hate17Here in TikTokCringe

There were mixed reactions – and these cover them.

I work from my bedroom, I still can’t make it on time.

At most a 5 minute walk. This shit is outrageous.

My walk from my office building to the parking lot is further than this.

This is how I see people who order doordash from half a mile away.

This would be a fucking nightmare if you had a needy boss.

I wonder if he does that when taking the trash can to the curb too.

Ugh. I would kill to live within walking distance of my job😭

ChewySlinky had a possible explanation.

Yeah, this looks stupid but I wouldn’t be surprised if the closest crosswalk was far enough away to make walking significantly less convenient.

And vcintheoffice had another.

I’ve got a spine injury that means I can’t walk more than a minute or two before I’m in debilitating pain. I’d absolutely drive that far when the alternative is blacking out in the middle of a street.

It sounds like a co-worker filmed it, so if they’re making fun of a disabled colleague, they might want to head over to r/AmITheAsshole.


‘What’s the weirdest thing you saw on your commute?’ – 25 funniest answers

Source Reddit Image Screengrab