
Joe Lycett had the best response to the chaos engulfing GB News right now

If you’ve had a long week then rest assured it could have been longer – you could have been GB News.

To suspend one presenter might be regarded as unfortunate, to lose two, well, anyway, they lost three after Calvin Robinson joined Dan Wootton and Laurence Fox in the GB News sin bin.

Here’s the latest, courtesy of @domjoly.

And we mention it again because Joe Lycett just had the best response to the chaos engulfing the channel right now.

Just possibly you can predict it, but makes it no less satisfying …


And of course it’s not the first time Joe’s done this sort of thing …

And in the unlikely event you need reminding, or you want to enjoy it again …


Holy smoke! Calvin Robinson’s been suspended by GB News – 17 favourite reactions


Imploding Laurence Fox has been lashing out at his fellow GB News types and it’s quite the spectacle

Source Twitter @joelycett