
No-one was angrier with that Keir Starmer glitter-bomb protestor than Rachel Reeves and a meme was surely born

You’ll already be aware by now that Keir Starmer’s Labour Party conference speech had a most unusual beginning after an invader took to the stage and covered him with glitter.

Not only will you be aware of it, you’ve probably watched the clip enough to last a lifetime. But stick with us, please!

Because we mention it again not because of the protestor or anything Starmer had to say about it, but because of the reaction of Labour’s shadow chancellor, Rachel Reeves.

She was furious – absolutely furious – and if it’s not a meme for the ages then we don’t know what is (12 seconds in if you can’t wait).

If only the conference security team had been so energised.

To conclude …

Source @TomHulme79