
Jeremy Vine’s spectacular reverse ferret is a salutary lesson to always read to the end of the message first

Reverse ferret of the week is surely this, a listener’s message being read out by Jeremy Vine on the Radio 2 lunchtime show.

He wonders in the middle of the story why he’s laughing and by the end of it everyone else is wondering too because, well, best have a listen for yourself.

Mega oof. And a salutary lesson for us all – always read to the end of the listener’s message before reading it out.

Took us back to this – also from Vine’s R2 show – from a couple of months back.

And this, from Vine’s Radio 2 colleague Zoe Ball from a day or two ago.

And of course the latest clip ended up here. Of course it did!

To conclude …

Source @Jobonomatopoeia