Life comebacks

The takedown of this pompous ‘pedant’ is surely the most satisfying thing you’ll read today

We’ve just made an urgent update to our comeback hall of fame to include this entry which is surely the most satisfying thing you’ll read this week.

‘For some people, it’s so easy to look like an idiot,’ said qcihdtm who shared it over on Reddit. And we’re very glad they did.


‘This is chef’s kiss good. It looked like a typo to me too, but I didn’t get embarrassingly publicly dunked on because I don’t go around correcting spelling mistakes like a knob!’

‘I absolutely love the response. I didn’t know that phycology was a thing, and I guess that makes me one of today’s lucky 10,000

‘Glad to be part of your learning journey today’

Source Reddit u/qcihdtm