Life school

‘What is the most memorable thing a teacher ever said to you?’ – 22 life lessons


After doing something stupid:

Teacher : why?

Me: I dunno.

Teacher: exactly.

Don’t know why but it’s really stuck with me and I now say it to my own students when they do something stupid.


When my son was suspended, for calling his Maths teacher a cvnt (to his face) we were called into see the Head of Year. We chatted, she reprimanded my son and then sent him to wait outside her office. “The thing is, we would ALL like to call Mr. Smith a cvnt” she told me, “but I can’t let Paul be seen to get away with it.” She was brilliant.


I always wanted to be An author and my year 6 English teacher wrote me a leaving note that said ‘Can’t wait to see you in print one day’.


A French teacher once wrote in my report: “Aidlesultan loses his pen like I lose my car keys”. The self-deprecation stuck with me and remembered my pen thereafter.


“When was the last time you did something for the first time” said by my form tutor on our last day of high-school. I think about it often and it reminds me to try new things!


'You've got one of the best football brains I've ever seen. Sadly, you also have two of the worst football feet I've ever seen.
Via YouTube, Via YouTube


In a loud booming voice “Measure twice, cut once. (Louder) Measure twice, cut once Mr *My surname*” . There were too many of us in my Tech class with my name so my teacher always refered to me by my surname. When ever I’m doing DIY or anything with a tape measure I can hear him clearly saying that to me :D.


“The only word which ends in ‘full’ is full”
“it is necessary for a man to have one collar and two socks (one c two s)” “If you spell definitely with an a then you’re definitely an arsehole”

I am a bad speller but these little rules from my GCSE English teacher have actually helped a lot in adult life!


“If someone is telling you something, ask yourself a) is it true and b) why are they telling me this?”


Year 6 teacher: I need a volunteer.

Loads of eager kids, myself included, raise their hands, with lots of “oh, oh, oh, pick me, pick me!

Teacher: To clean the toilets.

Hands go down, lots of worried looking kids.

Teacher: And that’s why you don’t volunteer without knowing what for.

Donjeur‘s teacher spoke from the heart.

“Don’t become a teacher.”

I didn’t.


A teacher shared the pencils a mum had made for her son and hearts were melted

Source r/AskUK Image Screengrab, Screengrab