Celebrity Kathy burke nigel farage

Nigel Farage is to stand for Reform UK in the election and the magnificent Kathy Burke surely spoke for the nation

Despite previously having insisted that he absolutely, definitely, 100% would not be standing at this election, Nigel Farage announced on Monday that he will contest the Clacton seat in Essex as the new leader of Reform UK.

Farage told reporters he wanted to lead a ‘political revolt’, adding: ‘Yes, a revolt. A turning of our backs on the political status quo. It doesn’t work. Nothing in this country works any more.’

For anyone who, like us, has lost count, it’ll be Farage’s eighth attempt to be elected to parliament having – spoiler alert! – failed on each of the previous seven occasions.

It prompted no end of winning and totally on-point reactions as you might imagine.

But surely no-one – and not for the first time! – said it better than the great Kathy Burke.

10/10, no notes.

Source @KathyBurke