Videos daily mail mick lynch

Mick Lynch’s epic takedown of the Daily Mail after they dubbed him ‘Mick Grinch’ is today’s most satisfying 25 seconds

Trade union boss Mick Lynch’s takedown of this Daily Mail reporter who asked him what he thought of being dubbed ‘Mick Lynch’ has just gone wildly viral again on Twitter and it’s a proper treat.

Lynch got people talking again after he appeared with Piers Morgan on the BBC’s Newsnight, and such was their impact that the Telegraph was moved to describe them as a ‘dream double act’.

And there we were thinking we’d never agree with the Telegraph about anything.

Anyway, the excitement sent this video back into orbit and it’s 25 seconds well spent.

Out for the count!

And because we’re talking Mick Lynch, here’s a particularly enjoyable bit from his appearance with Morgan the other night/

To conclude …


Jon Richardson in a bubble bath explaining how Rishi Sunak made his millions was magnificently done

Source @BladeoftheS