Politics election Rishi Sunak

Chris Philp went on the attack over Rishi Sunak’s D-Day exit and it was so hilariously misjudged it’s brilliant

Cometh the hour, cometh the idiot.

Just when the Rishi Sunak D-Day saga couldn’t possibly get any worse, up pops Chris Philp, the policing minister who may or may not still be a Conservative MP after the next election.

Philp was on the BBC”s Politics Live programme on Friday when he decided to go on the attack, specifically with a question for Lib Dem Sarah Only who, like many people, was flabbergasted by the so-called PM’s early exit from the D-Day commemorations.

And it was so badly misjudged, it’s kind of brilliant. And when we say brilliant, what we really mean is beggars belief.

Extraordinary scenes!

And here’s precisely what people made of that.

Last word to Sarah Olney.

Source @BestForBritain