Politics election Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak said people might like him more if they knew he ate Haribos – 18 sweet responses

Sky’s pre-election scrutiny of the two prime ministerial hopefuls, The Battle for Number 10, saw Beth Rigby grill Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak on their political records, their manifestos and their characters.

She opened by asking Starmer about his support for Jeremy Corbyn. Here’s how that went.

Not a great start.

Rishi Sunak had to go over his early exit from the D-Day commemorations again.

These comments show what the internet was thinking.

Beth Rigby gave Sunak a chance to increase his likeability. Here’s what he thought would do that.

“People seem to think I have a very healthy lifestyle and I go to the gym, and this obsession about my fasting, but I actually have an appalling diet because I eat an enormous amount of sugar.”

“I was talking to someone today and they were genuinely surprised by the amount of Haribos, Twixes I get through – particularly during a campaign.”

If his comments are about to do for Haribo and Twix what he did for Adidas Sambas in April, dentists may like him a little more – if he can find any. Everyone else thought it was another in a long line of election campaign gaffes.








