What would you do if money was no object? – 17 freeing financial choices
Plenty of us dream of being able to tell our boss to take a running jump, and start living a life free from their tyrannical oppression. (Note to the editor: not me, obviously.)
Sadly, this just isn’t practical for a lot of people. While the momentary high would be euphoric, the demands of bills and finances would quickly take their toll. That is unless you have ‘f**k you money’, a sum which gives you the financial freedom to tell your boss you’re quitting.
But what do you do with that money once you’ve left your job? Save it wisely while you look for work, or splash out on a once-in-a-lifetime experience? That’s what Reddit user TheBlueEyedTim wanted to know when they asked…
“What would you do if you had “F**k you money?”
Here are some of the best answers which will have you wishing for a windfall…
‘Pretty much the same I do now but stress free.’
‘Take my wife and kids to Five Guys.’
‘Buy the business I work for and then fire me.’
‘Travel the globe, staying in very nice hotels and driving nice rental cars.’
‘I’d f**k off and quietly enjoy my life.’
‘Nothing too spectacular. Just being happy with my family and friends, traveling a lot, training and enjoying the shitton of free time I would have.’
‘Buy my mom a house. Pay off my medical and school debt. Send my brother through college as far as he wants to go. Maybe some new jeans. Put half of the rest in savings and have someone else more financially savvy invest the other half for me.’
‘Pay off any and all outstanding debts we have. Then go on a vacation to a warm tropical place that I can get fruity drinks brought to me while laying on the beach.’
‘Hire 6 people split them to 2 teams.
Team A 3 people Team B 3 people
I go to the beach and mark a area with flags. Have team A dig a hole in a beach leave after 2 hours. Have team B show up hours later and fill the hole.
Repeat at same spot and different shapes of hole. Stop when a worker asks why are we doing this
I want to see how many times they dig and fill the hole.’