An outrageously entitled man told this woman to dress ‘more feminine’ and got just the A++ response he deserved
In today’s episode of ‘what it’s like being a woman’ comes this guy who took it upon himself to suggest a woman he hadn’t met before and didn’t know, obviously, to dress ‘more feminine’.
His unsolicited advice isn’t just irritating beyond belief – although it is – but perfectly captures the nonsense women have to put up from men. Not all men, obviously, but definitely these men.
Random man telling a woman to wear something more feminine and pleasing to his eye and then tells her not to overreact and to calm down when she doesn't want his advice
Men who do this on social media also do it in real life pic.twitter.com/ZFEzOsOmOB
— Antonia (@flaminhaystacks) January 13, 2025
To be filed under ‘you don’t have to be a woman to appreciate this (but it helps)’.
Unreal how flabbergasted he is that she’s not insanely grateful for him sharing his crappy opinion
— Ian Daniell (@danjimian) January 13, 2025
Because he's probably used to women being intimidated and not answering back out of fear of retaliation
So when a woman does, he pretends she's over reacted
— Antonia (@flaminhaystacks) January 13, 2025
If someone went up to that douchebag and told him how he should be dressing or living his life, guaranteed he'd get violent.
— pot_enthusiast420 (@ATL_DEM420) January 13, 2025
I wish I was surprised.
It's worse than inappropriate.
I'm glad she told him to fu¢k off; this makes us feel so vulnerable and then we become hypervigilant.
And of course when challenged suddenly he gas lights & becomes the victim!#Catcalling
Classic #DARVO#SexualHarrasment— Josi using my voice (@Twosidesofacoin) January 13, 2025
“You’re not appealing/attractive to me and I take offense to that because only pretty, made up women should be within a man’s line of sight.” The entitlement.
— Goddess Athena Bastet (@thenabastet) January 14, 2025
Some people thought this …
I’m not saying this doesn’t happen but this seems incredibly fake. Of course, she may have been recording herself but it seems convenient that the camera is on when he makes the remark. Also, if I was filming him, I’d get his face in shot.
— Alison Reeves (@AllieBueller) January 13, 2025
And this seems entirely plausible.
He could have been following her for a while. And this kind of thing happens all the time to women
Especially the gaslighting
— Antonia (@flaminhaystacks) January 13, 2025
And in a possibly entirely predictable plot twist, some people came out batting for the man.
His first amendment right is freedom of speech. She doesn't have a right for him to not State his opinion. Technically, he didn't ask for her to respond either, so she's violating her unsolicited statement policy.
And women wouldn't know what it's like to feel scared to walk…
— Greta Thornberry (@GretaThornberry) January 13, 2025
To which this was the only sensible response.
Your garbled word salad hasn't helped anyone.
Men are not being attacked by women and do not walk down the road afraid of women
— Antonia (@flaminhaystacks) January 13, 2025
Russell Brand came out batting for Andrew Tate and was brutally owned into next year
Source @flaminhaystacks