News Tories

An ex-Tory MP says he can’t get a job and only earned £575 since the election – 18 responses playing the world’s tiniest violin

Look, it’s a tough job market out there for everyone. The economy is barely growing and there just are not that many jobs out there at the moment.

Spare a thought, so, for these ex-Conservative MPs who spoke to The Telegraph about not being able to find work since losing their seats in last July’s general election.

Sir Charles Walker, the former MP for Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, was one of several former Tory MPs who said they’re struggling to find work since returning to civilian life.

“I’m beginning to talk to more and more colleagues who are in career distress, who are simply just not getting interviews,” he said.

Walker went on to say he made just £575 in the past six months. “Five-hundred pounds on election night for a slot on ITV that was cancelled, but they very sweetly paid me, and £75 for appearing on [Radio 4’s] Broadcasting House,” he said.

But don’t worry about Sir Charles being out on the streets any time soon. “I am very lucky, I’m in my later years, I have some financial resources I can fall back on – I took my House of Commons pension early. But it’s not going to last forever,” he explained.

As you can imagine, there wasn’t exactly a huge well of sympathy for Sir Charles’ plight.









