Life reddit Rich people wealth

People have been sharing the rich person things they would do if they were wealthy – 17 most relatable aspirations

Assuming you’re not rich, the spending habits of the wealthy must seem ludicrous. But can we honestly say we wouldn’t behave the same if we had a bulging bank balance?

Well, if the answers to this question posed by Reddit user Short_Function_5062 are anything to go by, it seems like everyone is susceptible to the temptation of money. That’s because they asked the folks over at r/AskReddit this very curious question…

‘What is a rich person thing that you would be totally into if you became rich?’

Here are the top answers which prove we’re all class traitors at heart.

‘Tailored clothes. I hate the way clothes are made these days. So I would definitely get my clothes made specifically for me.’

‘Professional cleaners. My boss got rich and upgraded to the “daily cleaner does everything including putting away kids toys” level cleaning and man. His kids are going to be spoiled as shit but what a joy to have a daily cleaned home.’


‘A two- storey library with a fireplace, a wrought-iron spiral staircase, and rolling ladders.’

‘Isolating myself in a lake house for a couple years till I go insane trying to write a novel. And maybe buy a pair of Crocs.’

‘a personal chef holy fuck’

‘For years I’ve spent fantasising about my Bond Villain Lair.’

‘Not working.

In particular, not working for money.’

‘Getting a massage every 2-3 weeks’