US count binface donald trump inauguration

Donald Trump was given the kiss-off by Melania’s big hat and of all the funny responses, Count Binface said it best

Anyone looking for reasons to be cheerful in Donald Trump’s inauguration speech were, of course, doomed to be disappointed.

But a day which marked the return of Trump to the White House for a second time wasn’t entirely short of laughs, and thank goodness for that.

And there was one big laugh in particular after Trump lent in to kiss the returning First Lady, Melania Trump, only to be foiled by the brim of her supersized hat.

Rimmed him! Oh for goodness sake, you know exactly what we meant.

It prompted no end of funny responses as you might imagine …

… but no-one said it better than a politician rather closer to home.


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Melania Trump’s hat reminded people of a lot of things, and none of them were complimentary – 15 top suggestions

Source @CountBinface