US donald trump private eye

The snowflake fury at Private Eye’s front page Trump ‘apology’ made the whole thing even funnier

You might very well have seen Private Eye’s front page ‘apology’ to Donald Trump which went wildly viral because it nailed so much of the hypocrisy around reaction to the President’s return to the White House.

Just in case you haven’t seen it (or that’s tricky to read in full) here it is again …

And we return to it because while it was already great, the fury it prompted in some quarters made it even funnier.

But none of the responses beat this one, an absolute all-time classic.

Hang it in the bleedin’ Louvre!

To conclude …

And also …

And finally …


Prince Harry got a payout and an apology from Rupert Murdoch’s News Group Newspapers, and Piers Morgan was absolutely fuming

H/T @jamiesont